Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sara on Superheroes

Josh: "Did you see the trailer for the new Avengers movie?"
Sara: "Not yet, does it look cool?"
Josh: "Actually, yeah it looks like it will be a pretty awesome movie"
Sara: "Is the Green Lantern in it?"
Josh: "No he's in a different comic book company"
Sara: "He should be in it, I mean seriously, who doesn't want to see Ryan Renolds?"
Josh: "He's in the Justice League with Superman and Batman, I think they're making a movie for that sometime too"
Sara: "Boo, I hate Batman. He's so depressing and sad. Plus HE TALKS DOWN HERE LIKE THIS"
(Sara does her best batman impersonation with the low grainy voice)
Sara: "All he does is make people depressed till they give up."
Josh: "What? You think all Batman does is make people depressed until they give up?"
Sara: "Yeah didn't you watch his movie?"

I thought I had... but I must have missed something.

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