Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sara's optimism

"All this puking is making my abs so strong."

...I'm just gonna let that one go.

I found another old post that never got published!

John: wow, you look like that guy who plays piano

Sara: The Hunchback of Notre Dam?

John: Uhmmm, no. Does the hunchback play piano?

Wait, Sara thinks she looks like a Hunchback? Am I the only one that caught that?

Good thing Sara doesn't do drugs

Sara and I were watching a cop show and they arrested someone for possessing Shrooms:

Sara: Wait... Are Shrooms actually Mushrooms?
Josh: Yeah, what did you think they were?
Sara: I donno some hip name for a pill or something... maybe a mushroom shaped pill?

Everytime I got to the pharmacy now I look for mushroom shaped pills.

What kind of veggie are you?

Sara was doing a call-in on the radio asking people what kind of vegetable shape they resemble. Someone suggested she looks somewhat like a kidney bean...

"I think I look more like an eggplant than a kidney bean. Kidney Beans aren't real vegetable, they're all fakey."

Well, if you are what you eat, Sara is definitely not fakey...

To be fair it is a hard word to spell

Sara: What is that word?
Josh: you mean dyslexic?
Sara: oh, ha ha, yeah...

Did I mention Sara never reads this blog?

I found an old post that never got published!

Sara's thoughts on the price of postage going up:

Sara: The Postal Offices is changing the price of stamps to .42 cents from .40. Which I hate because .40 cents Even and .42 cents Not - Even.

Dice: What?.. how does that make since?

Sara: 40 cents is like a quarter and two dimes, 42 cents has pennies involved. 42: not even.

hint: I think she means a quarter, a nickel, a dime and two pennies, which I guess would be an odd amount of coins... not four dimes and two pennies, which is what I thought for a long time.

Sara's Thoughts on the weekend.

Sara hates Mondays: "Why is the week so much different than the weekend? I go the whole weekend feeling fine, I wake up today I fart and now I've got a headache!"

But really, who doesn't?


"That's the only time I can actually look like a girl, is on the weekends!"

I wonder what she thinks she looks like during the week?