Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Being a radio dj is a tough job. No matter what kind of day you are having off air, when the mic turns on you always have to be pumped, energetic and happy. During a discussion the other day someone suggested that Sara plays a part on the air and "Fakes" her emotions. To which Sara retorted:

"I'm not fake! I'm not good enough to be someone else. I can only be myself. Besides if I was fake I wouldn't be me, I'd be like a pirate!"

Yo ho ho matey!

Monday, November 24, 2008

And really, why wouldn't it work?

Me: "Ha Ha, this guy wanted to turn his desktop background into a mirror so he scanned one and thought that would work. What a dummy."

Sara: "So... did it work?"

Me: "Uhh... no"

Friday, November 14, 2008

Beware the pig herds of Grand Rapids!!

Yesterday while driving into work Sara hit a raccoon. While retelling the story she shared this nugget of wisdom:

"When I was learning to drive, my instructor told us to break for pigs in the road."

I couldn't help but ask why and she replied,

"He said that they would get wedged under your car and throw you into the ditch!"

I had no idea that a pig could cause such distress, let alone that they are a problem for the Grand Rapids area motorists.

Remember: Please Mind the Swine.

Michigan Theme Music

As I've mentioned before, Sara is the morning show co-host for Fuse FM. One morning they read in the news that some state had updated their state's anthem to be more modern. Not to be left out Sara and her co-host Scott decided that they would take on the daunting task of updating Michigan's anthem as well. I can't decide which one I think fits best, although nothing paraphrases the state's motto "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you" quite like the R&B theme.

Check them out for yourself:

Michigan R&B

Michigan Rap

Michigan Rock

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Main Entry:


Comes from English name Sara and suffix -ism mashed together to make a new word.

1: Any original, improvisational and often seemingly random catchphrase, slogan or idom.
2: Usually used by Sara used as an outburst or to convey the obvious.

"His Veins have got to be clogged to the mill!" or "I'd stick my thumb in that pool"

My Favorite Quotes Part 1

Here are some of my favorite Sara quotes:

Sara ON-AIR (See "Clan Of Goodness" for more) :
"Dancing with the Stars' is Focked... Shocked... ... they kicked somebody off..."
(Meant to say "Dancing with the Stars' Shocking Finale")

"If you use one eye less than the other does it die?"

Sara (watching show about the seventies): "What's that thing?
Me: "That's an 8 track player"
Sara: "Really? I didn't think those things existed"
Sara: "Did that guy just say that Jeeps are military vehicles?"
Me: "Yup that's how they originated"
Sara: "Whoa I'm learning so much"
Sara: "Wait, I didn't think they had color in the 70s!"
Me: "I can't watch this show with you."

(About the new show Time Warp that features things in slow motion):
"Awesome, I've never seen what things do when they aren't in fast mode!"

(Again about Time Warp):
Matt: "What if you played the whole show backwards?... like you take a bunch of goo throw it in a blender and watch it turn into stuff!"
Sara: "And then come back in the blender and sit."

"So really anything can be made into a trivial pursuit. Take Jeopardy , badda bing, badda boom, a trivial pursuit!"

"If something was on TV and then they made a movie then it's a sequel"

Sara: "Josh you need to do something about all the beetles in the basement!"
Me: "Ok, later this weekend I'll throw a bug bomb down there and take care of them."
Sara: "That wont work! Beetles can survive a nuclear blast!"
Me: "First, bug bombs don't actually explode. Second, bug bombs are not radio active. Third, you're thinking of cockroaches not beetles."

"That would make the best Back To The Future movie ever!... Ride."

"Did you see that gas is only 2.01? if it goes down another two cents it'll be like 1 something!"

More To Come...

Skittle Sandwich

Hey if you would like to actually hear Sara in action, check out her podcast. She does it with Dice from Fuse FM and a local musician named Matt Moore. Seriously, if you manage to make it through an entire podcast without laughing at something Sara says I will personally high five you. The podcast is online at or available free on iTunes (Just search for skittle sandwich).

Each one is different, so make sure you check out all the episodes. So far my favorite one is called "Regular Morning Goo". Sara gets pretty excited about the new transformers ride that they're creating at Universal Studios. Hilarious.

I am pretty much the luckiest guy in the world to get to live with her.

The Clan Of Goodness

For this story a little background is needed. My wife works at a radio station (Fuse FM) in the Tri-Cities area of Michigan. Her on-air moniker is "Sara the Intern" (although she isn't an intern, she's worked there for 3 years) and she co-hosts the morning show "The Get Up And Go Show With Scotty Moore and Sara The Intern".

One time Sara was trying to describe the reasons that listeners should help support Fuse FM during their annual "FunDrive" fundraiser for the station. In particular, she was descibing the "Fuse 200" or 200 particular listeners who provide monthly support for the station. It went something like this:

"The Fuse 200, or as I like to call them 'The Clan of Goodness', provides the base support we need at the station. They give to us so we can play the music they want to hear, I like to call this 'The Cycle of Goodness.' And when we don't get the support we need, that cycle's wheel goes flat..." (I don't remember the rest, I was laughing too hard)
