Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sara's optimism

"All this puking is making my abs so strong."

...I'm just gonna let that one go.

I found another old post that never got published!

John: wow, you look like that guy who plays piano

Sara: The Hunchback of Notre Dam?

John: Uhmmm, no. Does the hunchback play piano?

Wait, Sara thinks she looks like a Hunchback? Am I the only one that caught that?

Good thing Sara doesn't do drugs

Sara and I were watching a cop show and they arrested someone for possessing Shrooms:

Sara: Wait... Are Shrooms actually Mushrooms?
Josh: Yeah, what did you think they were?
Sara: I donno some hip name for a pill or something... maybe a mushroom shaped pill?

Everytime I got to the pharmacy now I look for mushroom shaped pills.

What kind of veggie are you?

Sara was doing a call-in on the radio asking people what kind of vegetable shape they resemble. Someone suggested she looks somewhat like a kidney bean...

"I think I look more like an eggplant than a kidney bean. Kidney Beans aren't real vegetable, they're all fakey."

Well, if you are what you eat, Sara is definitely not fakey...

To be fair it is a hard word to spell

Sara: What is that word?
Josh: you mean dyslexic?
Sara: oh, ha ha, yeah...

Did I mention Sara never reads this blog?

I found an old post that never got published!

Sara's thoughts on the price of postage going up:

Sara: The Postal Offices is changing the price of stamps to .42 cents from .40. Which I hate because .40 cents Even and .42 cents Not - Even.

Dice: What?.. how does that make since?

Sara: 40 cents is like a quarter and two dimes, 42 cents has pennies involved. 42: not even.

hint: I think she means a quarter, a nickel, a dime and two pennies, which I guess would be an odd amount of coins... not four dimes and two pennies, which is what I thought for a long time.

Sara's Thoughts on the weekend.

Sara hates Mondays: "Why is the week so much different than the weekend? I go the whole weekend feeling fine, I wake up today I fart and now I've got a headache!"

But really, who doesn't?


"That's the only time I can actually look like a girl, is on the weekends!"

I wonder what she thinks she looks like during the week? 

Monday, February 8, 2010

More Thoughts From Sara On Racism

John: I think that no matter what we do as a society there will always be some sort of Racism
Sara: yeah, there's always room for more.

I know what she meant... I think.

I'm pretty Sure Sara's going Deaf

Josh: We'll see
Sara: What?
Josh: We'll See
Sara: Oh I thought you said look both ways
Josh: Why would I say "look both ways" that doesn't even sound like "We'll See" they aren't even the same amount of syllables!
Sara: well, I was trying to look you both ways to try and understand what you were saying
Josh: Wait, you tried to make sense out of something that didn't make sense?

Wait, I was surprised by that?

Sara's Ettiquitte

Someone who will remain anonymous was taking us out to a business lunch, Sara wanted to clarify something before she ordered:

Sara: Are you or (The Business) paying for lunch?
??: What does it matter?
Sara: Well, if you're paying I'll order more.

I guess it's a thoughtful sentiment? Maybe?

Sara on Computers

"If I had a computer to run my house I wouldn't name him Jarvis, I'd name him something cool like... Steve."

If I had one I'd name it 01100001 01110111 01100101 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101

More Saraisms

"That was when we were at the top of our notch."

"Dude you get paid Butt Squat!"

"Wow, you are all stinkin' amazing for being our fans... the bar is high now. Let's break some legs!"

Sara: was that an insultion?
John: What's and insultion
Sara: An insult with the intent to insult
John: ...Is that for real?

Nope. If these don't make much sense Sara has the explanation for that too:

"Why do I always have to explain myself to you? You're cognitive power is always a step lower than mine."


Josh: Sara, what would you do if you were invisible for 24 hours?

Sara: Well... I wouldn't wear any clothes. Well, it's cold outside so I would wear some clothes, but if it was warm out I wouldn't.

next time I'll be more specific...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sara's Mind Being Blown: An Illustration

John showed Sara this brain bending illusion online to which Sara offered the following illustration of her mind being blown: