Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pregnant Sara On American Idol

On the morning show, Sara brought up American Idol.

Sara: "Last night American Idol broke history by saving Matt Giraud!"

Dice: "Broke History? You mean they made history?.."

Sara: "Whatever, I am so angst against Americal Idol."

Dice: "Angry."

Sara: "Whatever, there is so much of a waste on Americal Idol, the save. They used it to save Matt? What a waste, the whole thing was a waste..."
(Sara continues to rant about things she thinks are "Wastes" on American Idol and becomes vehement about it. I also this is where think Dice gave up trying to get Sara to speak a cohesive version of English.)

My Advice: Beware the pregnant Sara or you too may be laid to "wastes".