Friday, February 27, 2009

Sara On Names

Charity: "I'm not sure what my name means"
Sara: "Duh it means 'Giving To The Poor'"

Sara: "What's your middle name?"
John: "I don't ever tell anyone, but I'll give you the same hint I give everyone else. It starts with an M and has four letters."
Sara: "Your middle name is Mary?"
John: "Uhmmnn... No."

A Little Geography

I have found in my marriage that I should rarely ask Sara for directions. She's the kind of girl who gets lost trying to leave the Wal-Mart parking lot... more than once... in the same day. (True story)
During one of Sara's favorite shows "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader" a 2nd grade level geography question was "What state does the Niagara falls border?"

The contestant thought for a moment, to which Sara scoffed: "That one's easy! Michigan!"

I mean... well yes, eventually the water that passes over Niagara Falls does pour into the great lakes that border Michigan... partial credit?

Common Mistakes

Sometimes Sara has disillusioned moments where she realizes she's been using the wrong words, here are a couple of my favorites:

"Tomorrow is supposed to be 10 with a windshield of 20 below"

"What!? I always thought it was flame retarded!"

To her credit, the words sound alike...