Monday, May 16, 2011


After watching a documentary on grizzly bears in Alaska on PBS, it left Sara with all kinds of questions:

Sara: "Where do bears live?"
Me: "In the woods"
Sara: "Are there any bears around Clare?"
Me: "I don't know, I've seen some in Houghton Lake before"
Sara: "WHAT?!? If I saw a bear in Houghton Lake I would never go back there ever! Wait, didn't you want to camp somewhere around there? I am never going camping there now. They have bears, cougars and zodiac killers."
Me: "Wait... zodiac killers?"
Sara: "Ever since that movie I've never wanted to camp in Michigan"
Me: "That movie took place in New York or something" (*it was California... my bad)
Sara: "Camping has my biggest fears: bears, cougars and zodiac killers. I hate the woods."

I gotta get Sara to stop watching TV.